Sheet Music For City Of Stars La La Land

The Academy Award-winning song “City of Stars” from the beloved musical film La La Land has captivated audiences worldwide with its enchanting melody and heartfelt lyrics. For musicians who wish to delve deeper into the musicality of this masterpiece, sheet music serves as an invaluable tool.

This comprehensive guide will provide an in-depth exploration of the sheet music for “City of Stars,” covering its historical significance, musical analysis, performance techniques, and educational applications.

Sheet music has played a pivotal role in the music industry for centuries, allowing musicians to preserve, share, and perform musical compositions. In the case of “City of Stars,” the sheet music provides a detailed roadmap of the song’s musical elements, enabling musicians to accurately recreate its enchanting soundscape.

Sheet Music Overview

Sheet music for the song “City of Stars” from the movie “La La Land” plays a crucial role in preserving and disseminating the musical masterpiece. Sheet music has a rich history in the music industry, serving as a means to document and share musical compositions.

Sheet music typically consists of a staff, which is a set of five lines and four spaces, representing the musical pitch. Notes are placed on the staff to indicate the pitch and duration of each sound. Additional symbols, such as clefs, key signatures, and time signatures, provide essential information about the music.

Formats and Types

Sheet music is available in various formats, including:

  • Lead sheets: Basic versions that include melody, chords, and lyrics.
  • Piano-vocal scores: Include the piano accompaniment and vocal parts.
  • Full scores: Comprehensive versions that include all the instrumental parts.

Sheet Music Analysis

The sheet music for “City of Stars” is a beautiful and complex piece of music. It is written in the key of D major and has a tempo of 72 beats per minute. The time signature is 4/4, which means that there are four beats in each measure.

The melody of “City of Stars” is simple and haunting. It is based on a descending chromatic scale, which gives it a sense of longing and sadness. The harmony is rich and lush, with many extended chords and suspensions. The rhythm is mostly syncopated, which gives the song a sense of movement and energy.


The song is written in the key of D major, which is a common key for pop songs. The key of D major is associated with happiness, optimism, and new beginnings. This is fitting for the song’s lyrics, which are about falling in love and finding hope in the future.


The tempo of “City of Stars” is 72 beats per minute. This is a moderate tempo that is neither too fast nor too slow. It allows the listener to appreciate the beauty of the melody and harmony without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Time Signature

The time signature of “City of Stars” is 4/4. This means that there are four beats in each measure. The time signature is written as a fraction, with the top number indicating the number of beats in each measure and the bottom number indicating the type of note that receives one beat.

In this case, the top number is 4 and the bottom number is 4, which means that there are four quarter notes in each measure.


The melody of “City of Stars” is simple and haunting. It is based on a descending chromatic scale, which gives it a sense of longing and sadness. The melody is mostly stepwise, with only a few leaps. This makes it easy to sing and remember.


The harmony of “City of Stars” is rich and lush, with many extended chords and suspensions. The harmony is mostly diatonic, which means that it is based on the notes of the D major scale. However, there are also some chromatic chords, which add a sense of interest and complexity.


The rhythm of “City of Stars” is mostly syncopated, which gives the song a sense of movement and energy. The syncopation is created by placing accents on unexpected beats. This makes the song more interesting and memorable.

Sheet Music Structure

sheet music for city of stars la la land terbaru

The sheet music for “City of Stars” is structured in a traditional verse-chorus form, with a bridge section that provides a contrasting interlude.

Sections and Purpose

The main sections of the sheet music include:

  • Intro: A brief instrumental introduction that sets the mood and establishes the main melody.
  • Verse 1: Introduces the main theme of the song, with lyrics that describe the narrator’s longing for a connection.
  • Chorus: The central section of the song, which expresses the narrator’s desire to find love in the “city of stars.” This section is repeated throughout the song.
  • Verse 2: Expands on the themes introduced in Verse 1, with lyrics that explore the narrator’s feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Bridge: A contrasting section that provides a break from the main melody and lyrics. It offers a moment of reflection and introspection.
  • Verse 3: A restatement of Verse 1, but with slightly altered lyrics that reflect the narrator’s growth and change.
  • Chorus: The chorus is repeated, but this time with a more triumphant and hopeful tone, reflecting the narrator’s newfound sense of optimism.
  • Outro: A brief instrumental section that brings the song to a close, leaving the listener with a sense of closure and hope.

Repetition, Variation, and Development

The sheet music for “City of Stars” makes effective use of repetition, variation, and development to create a cohesive and engaging musical experience.

Repetition: The main melody and chorus are repeated throughout the song, providing a sense of familiarity and cohesion. This repetition helps to reinforce the main themes and emotions of the song.

Variation: The verses and bridge sections provide variation within the overall structure of the song. The lyrics and melodies of these sections differ from the chorus, offering new perspectives on the main themes. This variation helps to keep the song interesting and engaging.

Development: The song undergoes subtle development throughout its progression. The instrumentation becomes more lush and complex as the song progresses, reflecting the narrator’s emotional journey. The lyrics also become more hopeful and optimistic, reflecting the narrator’s growth and change.

Sheet Music Performance

Performing “City of Stars” from sheet music requires a combination of technical skill and musical interpretation. To bring the piece to life, musicians should focus on phrasing, dynamics, and articulation, paying attention to the nuances that convey the emotional depth of the song.


Phrasing is the grouping of notes into musical phrases. In “City of Stars,” the phrases are often long and flowing, creating a sense of spaciousness and emotional longing. Musicians should aim to connect the notes within each phrase smoothly, creating a coherent musical line.


Dynamics refer to the volume and intensity of the music. “City of Stars” features a wide range of dynamics, from soft and intimate to soaring and passionate. Musicians should carefully observe the dynamic markings in the sheet music and adjust their playing accordingly, using dynamics to convey the emotional ebb and flow of the song.


Articulation refers to the manner in which notes are played. In “City of Stars,” the articulation is often legato, meaning the notes are connected smoothly. However, there are also moments where staccato articulation (short, detached notes) is used for emphasis or contrast.

Musicians should pay attention to the articulation markings in the sheet music and use them to shape the sound of the piece.

Musical Nuances

Beyond the technical aspects of performance, musicians should also strive to interpret the musical nuances of “City of Stars.” The song is full of subtle melodic and harmonic details that can be brought out through careful attention to the sheet music.

By paying attention to these details, musicians can create a performance that is both technically proficient and emotionally resonant.

Sheet Music Availability

Sheet music for “City of Stars” is widely available from reputable music stores and online retailers. The prices and availability of different editions may vary depending on the source.

Sheet Music Stores

  • Music & Arts:
  • Sheet Music Plus:
  • Hal Leonard:

Online Retailers

  • Amazon:
  • eBay:
  • Etsy:

Sheet Music Customization

Customizing sheet music for “City of Stars” allows you to tailor it to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a beginner, here are some tips to help you get started:

Transposing the Key

The original key of “City of Stars” is C major. If you find it too high or low for your vocal range or instrument, you can transpose it to a more comfortable key. Use a music notation software or online transposition tool to shift the notes up or down by the desired number of semitones.

Changing the Arrangement

The sheet music for “City of Stars” is typically written for piano and vocals. However, you can customize the arrangement to fit your desired instrumentation. For example, you could add guitar chords, bass lines, or even orchestral parts. Use music notation software to create your own arrangement or consult with a professional arranger.

Adding Personal Touches

Once you have transposed and arranged the sheet music, you can add your own personal touches to make it unique. This could include adding dynamics, articulations, or even your own improvised embellishments. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make the music your own.

Using Music Notation Software

Music notation software provides a powerful tool for customizing sheet music. It allows you to easily transpose keys, change arrangements, and add personal touches. There are many different music notation software programs available, both free and paid. Choose one that best suits your needs and budget.

Sheet Music for Beginners

If you’re a beginner who wants to learn how to read and play sheet music for “City of Stars,” here’s a guide to get you started.

The first step is to understand the basics of musical notation. Sheet music uses a series of symbols to represent musical notes, their pitch, duration, and rhythm. Each note is represented by a symbol on the staff, and the lines and spaces between the lines indicate the pitch of the note.

Note Values

  • A whole note gets four beats.
  • A half note gets two beats.
  • A quarter note gets one beat.
  • An eighth note gets half a beat.
  • A sixteenth note gets a quarter of a beat.


Rests are symbols that indicate silence. They come in different durations, just like notes.

  • A whole rest gets four beats.
  • A half rest gets two beats.
  • A quarter rest gets one beat.
  • An eighth rest gets half a beat.
  • A sixteenth rest gets a quarter of a beat.

Time Signature

The time signature tells you how many beats are in each measure and what type of note gets one beat.

For example, the time signature 4/4 means there are four beats in each measure and a quarter note gets one beat.

Key Signature

The key signature tells you which notes are sharp or flat in the piece of music.

For example, the key signature of one sharp means that all the F notes in the piece are sharp.

Tips for Practicing

  • Start slowly and gradually increase your speed.
  • Use a metronome to help you keep a steady beat.
  • Practice regularly to improve your accuracy and fluency.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they’re learning.


  • There are many online resources that can help you learn how to read sheet music.
  • You can also find sheet music for “City of Stars” online or in music stores.
  • If you’re struggling to learn on your own, you can consider taking lessons from a music teacher.

Sheet Music for Advanced Players

For advanced pianists, “City of Stars” offers a wealth of opportunities for technical and expressive exploration. The intricate fingerings, delicate ornamentation, and improvisational possibilities demand a high level of proficiency and artistry.


The sheet music provides detailed fingerings for both hands, which should be followed meticulously for optimal clarity and articulation. Advanced players may experiment with alternative fingerings to enhance their dexterity and fluidity.


The melody is adorned with subtle grace notes and trills, which add elegance and depth to the performance. These ornaments should be executed with precision and control, avoiding excessive embellishment that could obscure the underlying structure.


The bridge section provides ample space for improvisation, allowing advanced players to showcase their creativity and musicality. The improvised passages should complement the original melody and harmony while maintaining the overall emotional tone of the piece.

Virtuoso Performances

Numerous virtuoso pianists have recorded captivating performances of “City of Stars,” showcasing their exceptional technique and interpretation. These recordings can serve as a valuable resource for aspiring advanced players seeking inspiration and guidance.

Sheet Music for Educational Purposes

Sheet music for “City of Stars” provides an invaluable resource for educators in various music education settings. It serves as an effective tool for teaching music theory, ear training, and performance skills.

In the context of music theory, sheet music for “City of Stars” allows students to analyze its harmonic structure, melodic contour, and rhythmic patterns. By studying the arrangement, they can gain insights into chord progressions, key signatures, and time signatures.

Ear Training

The sheet music also facilitates ear training exercises. By listening to the piece while following the notation, students can develop their ability to recognize and identify musical intervals, chords, and rhythms. This enhances their musical perception and improves their overall musicianship.

Performance Skills

Furthermore, sheet music is essential for developing performance skills. Students can practice playing the piece on their chosen instrument, whether it be piano, guitar, or voice. By studying the notation, they can learn the correct fingering, bowing techniques, and vocal phrasing.

This enables them to perform the piece with accuracy and musicality.

Lesson Plans and Activities

Educators can incorporate sheet music for “City of Stars” into their lesson plans and activities in various ways. For instance, they can use it as a starting point for discussions on jazz harmony or the evolution of film music. Additionally, they can assign students to create their own arrangements or compositions inspired by the piece.

Sheet Music for Collaboration

Sheet music plays a crucial role in facilitating collaboration among musicians. It provides a common language for communicating musical ideas and arrangements, allowing musicians to work together seamlessly even if they are physically separated.

Sheet music can be used to:

  • Convey the melody, harmony, and rhythm of a piece.
  • Indicate the instrumentation and specific parts for each instrument.
  • Provide instructions for dynamics, tempo, and other performance aspects.

By sharing sheet music, musicians can quickly and accurately communicate their musical intentions and ensure that everyone is on the same page. This is especially important for complex arrangements or when working with musicians from different backgrounds.

Examples of Successful Collaborations

Numerous successful collaborations have utilized sheet music as a vital tool:

  • The Broadway musical “Hamilton” was created through a collaborative process that involved multiple songwriters and musicians. Sheet music was used to share and refine musical ideas, resulting in a cohesive and award-winning production.
  • The Grammy-winning album “Kind of Blue” by Miles Davis was recorded in a single session with minimal rehearsal. Sheet music was used to provide a basic framework for the musicians, allowing them to improvise and create spontaneously within the boundaries of the composition.
  • Online collaboration platforms like “Splice” and “BandLab” have emerged, allowing musicians from around the world to connect and share sheet music, facilitating remote collaborations and the creation of new and innovative musical works.


In conclusion, the sheet music for “City of Stars” from La La Land is an indispensable resource for musicians of all levels. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn the basics of music notation or an advanced player looking to master the intricacies of the song, this guide has provided valuable insights and guidance.

Embrace the opportunity to explore the musical depths of “City of Stars” through the medium of sheet music, and let its timeless melody continue to inspire and captivate your musical journey.

FAQ Corner

Where can I find sheet music for “City of Stars”?

Sheet music for “City of Stars” is widely available at reputable music stores and online retailers. You can purchase physical copies or download digital versions from platforms such as Sheet Music Direct, Musicnotes, and Hal Leonard.

How can I customize the sheet music to suit my needs?

Using music notation software, you can easily transpose the key, change the arrangement, and add personal touches to the sheet music for “City of Stars.” This allows you to adapt the song to your specific vocal range, instrument, or performance style.

What are some tips for beginners who want to learn how to read and play sheet music for “City of Stars”?

Start by familiarizing yourself with the basics of musical notation, such as note values, clefs, and time signatures. Practice reading simple melodies and rhythms to develop your sight-reading skills. Gradually increase the complexity of the music you practice, and don’t be afraid to seek guidance from a music teacher or online resources.

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